Wes Hamilton

Wes Hamilton Testimonials

Wes Cheered Me On

Working with Wes is a true gift! He is kind, patient, caring, genuine and knowledgeable. His mastery of Numerology and intuition are extraordinary. He has guided me and cheered me on through a rough time in my life.  With the skills and tools that I have learned from Wes, I have applied them to my personal and professional life which has helped me to succeed and become more confident. I am grateful for Wes, and it has been a privilege to work with him. I highly recommend Wes.


Timing is Everything

Universal Abundance always flows and comes through in many different ways and forms. As human beings, it is our divine right and nature.

However receiving it can be blocked by old limiting beliefs and patterns(conscious & subconscious) keeping our energy low, stuck, and not in the flow. This has been from my personal experience, especially in regards to relationships, time and money.

They say when the students are ready the teacher arrives!

11 years ago (2007), the teacher, Wes Hamilton arrived in my world.

Since working with Wes, my perspectives on abundance, money and time have changed immensely. Not overnight, but as an unfolding process beginning with Wes’s numerology reading(s), the Core Passion work, meditation, attunements. Diving deep into my core to uncover who I was, my values purpose and mission in this lifetime. In taking this time of inner work to discover, believe, create and live out my authentic passion, purpose, and vision, my being was ready to receive Wes’s money attunement. In the last 3 weeks of receiving this attunement, I have watched money & opportunities flow into my life at high-speed levels-“out of the blue” unexpected miracles. I believe the miracles have occurred, because the subconscious/conscious patterns and beliefs that were limiting me, were out of the way enough for the attunement to work efficiently and effectively.

I highly recommend Wes and this attunement for those who have taken the time to learn, grow and embrace their authentic passion and purpose. Those who have a desire to be of service and share their gifts and talents with the world. To offer abundance is to receive abundance!

Thank you so much Wes Hamilton for helping me to understand what it means to live abundantly from the inside out and seeing that reflected back to me through the wonderful people and resources, financial and otherwise!

God Bless You!

Denise Marie Gaber, Resilience Speaker-Singer-Songwriter

Fired the Martyr

Fired the martyr – permanently. I am looking out for my needs, wants and desires and not putting myself last each and every day. Which is a new way of thinking for me for sure.

Angie J


Journaling has been different this week as I have been focusing on what I DO WANT in my journal time. A lot of thinking and reflecting – comparing the past and what has not worked with the future and what I want to work. Social distancing has really given me the time to work on me a lot each night.

Angie J

Updated Photo

Updated photo – definitely feeling a shift and hopefully it is starting to show on the outside. I do feel different inside for sure. 

Angie J

Attunement #2

Wes Hamilton is an amazing Master and has a series of attunements that can only be described as unbelievable.  The second level of attunements is about connection to a spiritual partner.  I have to admit that immediately after the attunement, men in general were attracted to me.  I went to events and I was the center of attention for many of the men in the room.  I had all but given up on finding a partner who would connect with me all the way to my soul.  Within two weeks, I met that person.  I have been married to him now for over three years and I know he is my true spiritual partner and soul mate.  We are awakening parts of each other that have laid dormant for years.  We are complete as separate individuals, but we are so much more together.  Thank you for giving me the attunement and the opportunity to find my spiritual partner.

Attunement #1

Wes Hamilton is an amazing Master and has a series of attunements that can only be described as unbelievable.  The first level of the attunementsis about healing and strongly connecting to the Sacred Source.  I could feel and see all the symbols he was placing as they were being done, and they were extremely powerful.  After that first attunement, I felt my healing abilities increase in magnitude (I am a Reiki Master as well as other modalities), and it was as if I have an “instant on button.”  I no longer have to call up the energy, it is there immediately when I need it as if my higher self is sending the signal before I even know I am accessing it.  For any healer or anyone wishing to heal themselves, this attunement will magnify your energies many fold and you will be amazed at the impact this will have on yourself and others.


Wes, I have been trying to figure out what is happening.  I think I am manifesting but not sure what or it seems convoluted.  Will let you know later about the #3 and how it plays out.  I have started writing the book and have completed the preface and half of the first chapter on paper while writing most of the rest in my head…

Kay H

Eye-Opening Class

Thanks for an awesome, eye-opening class.  This morning thoughts are really clicking.  I remember my last thing on the page from class was clear direction.  I said yesterday that I got it, albeit not in the way I was thinking.  I was thinking I would have a bigger picture come in.  Today it is flooding in.  The pieces of my past that have built me up to this place.  I also know what the past piece is that I need to do which I am going to do this weekend.  As I am letting all of these pieces come in, I am thinking of a transition plan.  I have to say that the last golf ball exercise really was incredibly powerful.  It showed me my defaults for staying small all these years.  And it was perfect for all these years.  I have been that loose cannon with some speaking my ideas, later not understanding why they didn’t get it.  The majority of people have seen me at the heart level, which is one of my greatest gifts.  Many people trust me from a deep level.  Now, I can find a way to craft my message so that they can “hear” at a whole different level. 

Monica K

Eye Opening

Thank you for the Numerology reading and accompanying C/D it was both affirming and eye opening. I am very excited to begin working with you, I am looking forward to finding some inner peace and having a clear vision for my purpose. I wish you all the best the Universe has to offer.

Patricia – Human resource manager

Changed My Life

I just want to thank you again for the work you do; it has changed my life. I am grateful for your Knowledge you share, your gifts and your insights.

Sherri – CPA

Wake Up Call

Thanks again Wes for the wake up call, Its great to be living life again.

Dar- manager

Thank You

I can’t thank you enough for my Numerology reading. I am wearing my Hematite necklace and researching the information you suggested.

Lenny- landscaper

Creative Juices

Thank you for my reading yesterday. It has gotten my creative juices flowing and my imagination is hard at work.

Chris – sales manager

Incredibly Helpful

Thank you again for the Destiny consultation It was incredibly helpful and gave me confidence to trust my intuition. I feel very fortunate that our paths crossed and I know my business is better for all of the insight you provided. I look forward to reconnecting soon.

Eileen – Therapist


I just want to thank you for today. You’ve inspired me on so many levels. I started writing this afternoon and before I knew it 5 pages were full. It was hard to stop! I’m so looking forward to showing up as the person I’m here to be. You are a gift to the world and I am honored to have you in my life now.

Stacie – Leadership coach


I am so grateful for all you teach and all I have learned and I’ve continue to learn with friendship and gratitude.

JP – spiritual coach

Spiritual Mentor

Words can never express my gratitude and love for you. How privileged I have been to have you as a guide, teacher, and Spiritual mentor. You have seen me as scared women in a bad relationship and little self- esteem and today a happy, confident women in a great relationship ready to take on the world. I feel your love and light surrounding me. Thank you for your gifts.

Pat – VP


Thank you so much for you insights doing my numerology reading, so far this year has been amazing, almost everything is coming true with my business direction. I am on schedule with the transition in my career. No love life yet.

Lori- Broker


Thanks for your guidance-as I needed assistance you showed up! Crazy how that works! I have much to digest-your work is amazing, keep me on your mailing list.

Kay- trainer

Good Stuff

Thank you for the Numerology reading; this is really “good stuff”. Now I get to decide what to do with this information.

Lynn – consultant


Thank you for the Destiny consultation. It is wonderful to have a “map” and confirmation of everything I have been getting, very helpful. I am looking forward to continue working with you.

Mary K – manager

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