Wes Hamilton

2024 October - Opportunities to Manifest

I love October’s energy. Throughout my life, October’s energy has gifted me with opportunities, adventures, and life-changing events. My career life started in October with my first job, learning the art and science of landscaping. Two years later, in October, I was offered a job in the home improvement business.

Several years later, again in October, I enlisted as a flight crew member in the Air Force. Years later, in October, I entered the real estate sales world for many years. In 2019, my numerology chart informed me in October that it was time for me to close my real estate company and begin my spiritual work on a new level.  My focus is to help newly awakened seekers find their way to embracing their passion and purposeful life.

I only became aware of this “coincidence energy” of October’s new beginning when I started studying numerology. I know the power of new beginnings is ready to move things forward when October rolls around. This year, my chart shows me that, once again, October is moving me into my next adventure, and I am not sure what it looks like.

Here is the practice I use to keep me inspired while allowing the universe in its wisdom to guide me. I am ready to experience another joy-filled aspect of the career path I am moving into in October.

  • Self-Assessment: Knowing who you are is the best place to start your quest to your next adventure with fulfilling opportunities. I love my What’s My Destiny program and our Core Passion Assessment to identify what my inner self, my soul, wants me to know that fulfills me for new opportunities.
  • Identify The values most important for you to live by. Consider what you need to feel satisfied. I call these values “the guard at the gate.” Alignment of your values keeps you connected. This could also include factors like work-life balance, salary, location, or opportunities for growth.
  • Identify the desired feelings you want. Make a list of feelings you will have once you have identified and secured your new opportunity. Why is this so valuable? The magnetic feelings you have act like a tractor beam to pull your fulfilling opportunities into your search path.
  • Create a vision board with pictures. Your vision board activates your subconscious mind to generate your inner desires into possible new opportunities to explore. Once these appear in your path, you can use these opportunities to match your dream.
  • Visualize yourself being successful. Spend a few quiet moments in the morning and before bed, seeing yourself loving the feelings you desired working in this new dream opportunity you have manifested into your life.

Life is filled with crossroads and choices. Many of us will be looking for opportunities to manifest in our lives this month. These opportunities will show themselves in many forms: career, relationships, health, and spiritual beliefs and practices. Take advantage of October’s vibrational energy to create inspiration, clarity, and direction to bring you joy and appreciation for who you are.

~ Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist

Merlin & the Muse have created a meditation for you to discover opportunities to manifest.

Be sure to click the button below to download the PDF Manifest handout for this meditation.

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