Wes Hamilton

September 2022 Special Edition - What's My Personal Forecast?

Ever feel like the world is a blur and you stumble through your life just missing opportunities? Want clarity? Good timing? Confidence?

Let me share three numerology secrets with you that may help you gain clarity.

1. You can discover your destiny with numerology.

The day you were born, your destiny was also born but unseen to the naked eye. Your name and birthdate created your unique signature in the universe. With this information, numerology reveals insights about your destiny across space and time to assist you on your life’s journey.

2. Timing is everything.

Time is one of the most measured parts of life. Numerology looks at it from different points of view.  It starts with Global timing for everyone everywhere for a year.  Next, it looks at the month’s timing for everyone.  It also zooms into daily timing for everyone.  

But what about personal timing?  Great question.  Personal timing follows the same pattern for a year, month, and day.  This information is focused on your destiny.

3. Numerology adds each part of your destiny together.

Each month I share the global forecast.  It teaches you about the global timing for the year and the month.  You learn what activities are the focus for everyone in that month and how they support the global timing. 

You can take a deeper dive into the month’s forecast by asking yourself, “What is my personal timing for the year and month? How does my personal timing give me more direction for the month and how to pursue my destiny for even greater results?”

For example, 2022’s global forecast is Heal Our Differences. September 2022’s forecast is Letting Go Heals.  If your Numerology chart shows your Personal year is a 1 then starting new things is your focus. If your Personal Month is a 2, you benefit from journaling and being intuitive. Synchronicity happens in the combination. This month you can find activities that are new to you but are intuitively perfect for what you have been looking for as you heal the differences in your life and let go of things that no longer serve you in September.

When you synchronize your personal timing activities with a global timing focus, life is easier to align and to get into the flow. One of my goals is to live an easy life full of passion and purpose and following my destiny makes it possible. 

I believe the world needs you to step into your greatness and help others.  Numerology can be one of your tools to make a difference. Learn how to add Numerology insights to your business or practice with my live online Chart Your Destiny class coming up in October 2022 (see details below). It comes with a Membership and an online Numerology portal that does all the calculations for you and gives you the definitions in a downloadable PDF. 

Want more about your personal forecast? Take the Chart Your Destiny class so you can use the online Numerology portal to calculate the global timing and personal timing for you!

I would love to hear about your journey and what synchronicities you discover as you leverage your personal timing with global timing. Send me a direct message (DM) and let’s connect.

-Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist

Want More Insight?  

Timing is a lot to understand but you don’t want to miss a thing.Your own personal Numerology chart has all the destiny details. Get help looking at all parts of your destiny in a Numerology Reading and Report with Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist. Order a report and reading session here.

Love Numerology and Want to do it Yourself?  

Get the Chart Your Destiny course with live online training starting October 4, 2022 and get 12 months of access to the Numerology portal that calculates all the numbers for you and gives you definitions with a PDF report. Register here.

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