2025 Forecast - Complete & Release
The world we live in changes vibrational energy frequencies every year, and these frequencies have a nine-year cycle. This year’s numerology reminds us that with 2025’s vibrational energy, we are at the end of our nine-year cycle which started in 2017.
If you are curious to learn how these yearly/monthly energy shifts have affected and inspired us to get to where we are in life today, read my previous forecasts from the main Forecasts page. I have all of these monthly energy shifts from 2017 through 2025 recorded for you.
Numerology helps us prepare and navigate through these energy cycles. This year’s message tells us to complete as many plans, ideas, and commitments as we have been working on for the last eight years. Once these completions have been finished, you can release your responsibilities to clear the way for your next nine-year cycle.
This nine-year cycle is a big one. It is the last year of our nine-year century cycle, which began in 01 AD. This tells us that there have been 225 nine-year cycles since then. Our current cycle completes this Century cycle and is the last line of all these cycles. It is designed to inspire the world so that humans can become global, heart-centered humanitarians.
Despite what the news tells us and shows us about how troubled we are now, many millions of people worldwide are waking up, doing kind things, praying, and helping each other live better lives. 2025’s vibrational energy is lifting us up by making us aware that it’s time to complete our struggles and release our fears.
January 2025 is our 1st month of the year. Numerology makes us aware when we add the one-month vibrational energy to 2025’s nine-year vibrational energy, it equals 10/1 (1 + 9 = 10/1). The 10/1 vibrational energy inspires us to prepare for the future. We can best start this by completing and releasing our burdens from the past that tend to hold us back from living the life we desire.
The movie Back to the Future (1985) reminds me of how the 9-vibrational energy of 2025 will guide us to find our way this year to get back to our desired future. This movie showed us how we must go back in life to reevaluate our past and adjust our energy to have the creative mindset to create our future.
Here are a few suggestions for exploring what you may want to explore as you live into 2025.
- In your career: Is there something you have been dreaming about, a promotion, a new career path, or perhaps needing to discover your passion and purpose?
- In your relationships: Is there one or two relationships that may have outlived the joy that was once there? Have you been helping these people, and now they have become dependent?
- In your health: Perhaps in your active, busy life, you may have overlooked taking time to exercise, eat healthily, meditate, or play.
- In your spiritual beliefs: Perhaps it’s time to explore your connections to nature, your environments, and your awareness of a higher power that is always there to help.
This year, 2025’s message for you is to stop, pause, ponder, and take time to reflect. You will then become aware of where you are in life. If you are happy, healthy, and wise, continue. If you are not where you want to be, now is the time to complete and release your old patterns and behaviors.
~Wes Hamilton, master numerologist

2025 Forecast - Complete & Release
Merlin & the Muse have created a meditation to discover clarity for completing your tasks and dissolving your fears in 2025.
Be sure to click the button below to download the PDF Insights handout for this meditation.