Wes Hamilton

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2024 September Forecast - Let Go to Manifest

If you have been practicing my monthly numerology messages each month, I have been teaching you the art and science of manifesting your dreams. Last month, you probably celebrated your successes. August’s 8-8-vibrational energy was extra powerful because this year’s Lion’s Gate Portal energy had an extra 8-manifesting vibration. This year was a rare vibrational energy occurrence on the 8-month, 8-day, and 8-year. Many good things were manifested from dreams into reality.

If you are still waiting for your dreams to manifest, you need to let go of something or someone so that you are energetically free to manifest. You may find yourself trying to manifest your dreams, but something or someone may be blocking your efforts. September’s 9-vibrational energy is designed to remind you that you may need to let go to manifest. September, the 9th month, has a letting go transitional vibration that assists you in this process.

Letting go can be a challenging but transformative process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate letting go of a relationship, health issue, career concern, or spiritual belief:

  • Take time to reflect on what you are holding onto. Is it a relationship, a health concern, a career issue, or a spiritual belief?
  • Recognize how this attachment is affecting your life. Is it causing stress, anxiety, or hindering your growth?
  • Assess how this attachment makes you feel. Are you experiencing frustration, sadness, or anger?
  • Notice any physical symptoms like fatigue, tension, or other health issues.
  • Consider how much mental space this attachment occupies. Is it affecting your focus or decision-making?
  • Practice meditation to visualize letting go. Imagine the attachment as a physical object and see yourself releasing it.
  • Use positive affirmations to reinforce your intention to let go. For example, “I release what no longer serves me.”

If you need more information about letting go, a good book by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Letting Go, will help guide you through this challenging process.

Once you can free yourself from whatever was hampering your freedom to manifest your desires, go back to the work you were doing to bring your dreams into your life. Manifesting is always available when you are inspired to make it happen. Go back to the wisdom of numerology’s message I shared in my August 2024 forecast and reread how to reclaim your power to manifest.

Please take a minute to observe how September energies are creating transformational experiences in our lives and nature: leaves change colors, birds prepare to fly south, cooler air begins, back to school begins, etc. All these experiences manifest as soon as the letting go process begins. We are being shown that we are part of universal energies in motion!

Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist

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Merlin & the Muse have created a meditation for you to Let Go to Manifest.

Be sure to click the button below to download the PDF Manifest handout for this meditation.

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