September 2022 Forecast - Letting Go Heals
Have you ever suddenly felt old emotional wounds when watching a movie? We recently watched the original movie “Top Gun” to prepare us to watch the new movie of “Top Gun”. In the movie Maverick’s best friend and cockpit partner “Goose” was killed while bailing out of their failing plane. Maverick was devastated by losing his best friend. He spends quite some time dealing with his pain and guilt that could have ruined his life. Soon, in the movie Maverick was called to action to save his teammates and when he completed his mission, he was able to let go of his friend Goose to set them both free so they could heal.
September being the ninth month of the year radiates the 9-vibrational energy of completion reminding you once again to do a deeper self-reflection in your life. By doing this you will become more aware of things you may be holding on to that could perhaps keep you from moving forward in your life. Often the feelings of responsibility become the energetic energies that keep you tied to something or someone way too long past their due date of completion.
Numerology measures our life cycles with the vibrational energy of nine being the end of a natural cycle. When a 9- vibrational energy cycle is completing you will often find yourself dealing with old patterns of behaviors. These old patterns have run their complex energies for eight years and they almost feel natural. However, in their ninth year they begin to feel challenging. You may have accepted these old patterns as “normal”, and you found a way to live with them. Now it’s time to let them go so that you can heal.
Again, I remind you that this year, numerology shows you that 2022 is radiating a six vibrational energy that is encouraging you to “Heal Your Differences”. Now September’s energy is sending the vibration that letting go heals. These two vibrations combined are giving you permission to let go of people, places, things, and experiences that created for you an implied responsibility that has tethered you to your past. September is the completion month for you to let go so that you can heal your differences and release the implied responsibilities from your past.
Here are a few tips for you to practice in September while letting go to heal yourself.
- Identify and set some healthy boundaries for yourself
- Forgive yourself and those who were involved with you
- Give yourself some space away from what or who you feel responsible for
- Accept you can’t change other people to behave differently
- Practice mindfulness to stay in the present moment
- Do what makes you happy and brings you joy
There is always a light at the end of a nine-cycle of experiences, lessons, and completions. The bright light for you is that soon you will start a new nine-cycle. Knowing this now gives you time to create and prepare for your next nine-cycle experience. To do this well, get clear, imagine, and dream about what you want to bring into your life next so that you that you will experience love, peace, abundance, and joy.
~ Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist
Land of Enchantment Meditation
Merlin & the Muse created a meditation for you to use to activate your ability to let go to heal.
Click the image or the button below to go to and listen to this bonus content.

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