Listen to Create
BY: Wes Hamilton
March being the 3rd month of the year vibrates with the energy of creation. In the oldest text from ancient China, philosopher, Lao Tsu, says: “Tao gives birth to One; One gives birth to Two; Two gives birth to Three. Three gives birth to Ten Thousand Things.” This message means that once you get to the energy of 3 (the ability to create), all things are possible!
You need to remember 2018’s vibrational energy (11/2 Self Mastery) is encouraging you to learn to listen. Artful listening is a powerful skill to develop. Listening happens in many ways, at 3 unique levels. I have been showing you in my January and February newsletters these 3 levels of listening you naturally use to learn new things. Do you remember them? If not, click here https://www.weshamilton.com/2018/01/01/learn-to-listen/
This month, the vibrational energy of March wants you to be using your listening skills to create something for yourself and for others. Numerology reveals the energy of the word “create” adds up to 7. This 7-energy is a spiritual vibration of going within to listen to the voice of your intuition, your inner spirit, your guides and your angels. When you create from your inner resources, magic can happen.

So, how do you learn to create from listening to your inner resources? It can be very easy; perhaps it even seems too simple. You need to spend some quality time with yourself; meditating for 20-30 minutes a day, journaling in your special notebook 20-30 minutes a day, walking outside in nature for 30-45 minutes a day. You could also just practice being mindful. Be grounded in the present moment doing what you do.
You may say, “That’s silly, I don’t have time in my busy schedule to take the time to do any of these things.” I agree you may really believe this to be true. You don’t have the time with your present schedule. However, lots of studies completed in the past several years continue to prove and validate the power of making time in your schedule. Connecting to your inner resources will make you more creative. Taking time to be quiet and go within makes you more productive and creates a healthier lifestyle. This will add years to your timeline of living on planet earth.
In mythology, a long time ago lived the spiritual being, Thoth, a leader in Atlantis and Egypt. He wrote the Emerald Tablets, a book on the secrets of becoming a spiritual being while living life on earth. The essence of this book talks about spending time with yourself connecting to your inner resources. This is the higher purpose of who you are and what you are here to accomplish.
You are here to learn how to listen to create your life. Most of the time people spend their time learning how to keep up in life not how to create their life. All happy and successful people learn to listen to create the life they desire. This month the energy of March is inspiring you to listen so you can create the life you choose.
Best days in March to listen to create are:
March 2, 3, 7-9, 11, 12, 16-19, 20-22, and 25-30.
~ Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist