Wes Hamilton


Core Passion Assessment

Are you at the CROSSROADS of your life and/or business and don’t know which way to go?
Are you looking for direction and purpose?
When you know WHO you are… you know WHAT to do.

Discover yourself! Discover your Core Passion®!

Your Core Passion® Profile shows you what drives your life and gives you words for what your intuition has been trying to tell you!

Take the Core Passion® Assessment today!

Throughout our life, most of us have had a love/hate relationship with money. I believe it’s important to have a loving relationship with money and what better way than to have a love affair with money. Many of us say we love money; but when we get it, we can’t keep it, or we can’t let go of it. Either way, we don’t have a balanced loving relationship with money.

The Core Passion® Assessment is one of the fastest, easiest, most powerful self-assessments available online today.

You will, on a personal level…

  • See your personal Core Passion® Codes
  • Find your passion and purpose
  • Develop clarity and impact for your communication skills
  • Live your destiny on purpose
  • Build a relationship with your inner consultant
  • Turn your challenges into powerful learning lessons

Professionally, you will…

  • Expand your career skills
  • Add value to yourself and your company
  • Turn your career challenges into powerful learning lessons
  • Focus more time working with your gifts
  • Claim your uniqueness

In your relationships, you will…

  • Create win-win communications
  • Develop harmony and focus
  • Develop the inner/outer awareness
  • Create a win-win relationship with yourself
  • Turn your relationship challenges into powerful learning lessons
  • Create more time working with your gifts

Discovering your Core Passion®opens the door to unlimited possibilities by using this powerful driving force.

You are totally unique. The universe is bound by the universal law of uniqueness, no two snowflakes are alike and humans are no exception. You are totally unique and can not be reproduced in exactly the same way. But who are you? Why are you here? And what are you really supposed to be doing? These are the core questions that start the Quest to find out who you are.

Upon completion of the assessment, you will receive:

  • A 21 page report containing detailed definitions of ALL the Core Passion® Codes, including your Top 5 Core Passions and your 7 Supporting Core Passions
  • A detailed summary of each of your Core Passion®Gifts, Challenges, Lessons and Affirmations
  • Core Passion® Matrix, highlighting all 12 Core Passion® Codes
  • Core Passion® Codes Quick Study Guide

An explanation of how each of your Core Passion® Codes plays a role in your personal and professional relationships
The Core Passion® Assessment is a great value at $90.00.

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