March 2016 Compile, Compose, Create
BY: Wes Hamilton
March is the month to have fun, relax, travel, write, sing, draw, etc. This is a 3 month in Numerology and 3 energy vibrates encouraging you to be doing things creatively to express yourself. Creative energy is powerful, when focused with intention and it can be life changing for you. It is powerful, magical and amazing to work with.
Here is the secret process to using creative energy to accomplish your desires.
First, set your intention of what you want to create. Then begin using the March creative 3- energy by intuitively compiling things you may want to use in your environment to actually create what you want.
Perhaps you have a desire to draw or paint, you will need to gather the tools and the objects you want to use to apply and express your talents. Perhaps you want to explore creating a new career opportunity, again you will want to compile information, salaries, qualifications, environments, interviews etc. to see and understand what the new opportunity would look like.
Second, once you have compiled what you need to start the creative process, the next step is to compose a plan, a template, a structure or a system to combine your objects, tools, talents and information to be able to see how the seemingly unrelated things you have gathered may find a way to come together to accomplish and complete your desire.
Third, Now it is time to apply the creative magic you want to express to see what the outcome will look like and how it will be used for your intention. Many times when you begin creating you may have a thought in mind of what the outcome will look like. However truly passionate magical creativity happens when the magic of creation begins to unfold creating something you could not have comprehended. You need to know March’s 3 energy is teaching you the magic of alchemy happens when your uninhibited spontaneous creativity is set in motion.
Lets look at how this passionate creative 3 energy works when combined with the energy of 2016, a 9 – vibrational energy. 3+9=12/3. Remember 3- energy creates and 9- energy completes so as these energies come together they will bring a completed solution for your intention to happen. Be clear with your intentions this month they will be accomplished and completed in some manner for you.
Best days for you to compile, compose, and create in March are: 1,3,7,9-12,16,19,21,25,27,29-30