March 2015 Explore, Explain, Express
BY: Wes Hamilton
This month it’s time for you to explore the creative talents you have. Everyone has the gift of creativity! It shows up in many unexpected ways so it may be difficult to explain or understand how you consciously express these gifts.
March vibrates to the creative 3 energy because it is the 3rd month of the year. Numerology identifies the energy of 3 as creative self-expression. This month it’s important to be aware of how you express yourself. You will be in the flow working with your passion to connect to your power as you focus to produce the results you desire.
What are your creative gifts? The question of this month is for you to explore, explain and express those creative gifts. If you love to write, sing, draw, paint, mold, design, dance, photograph, video, etc., this energy this month will encourage you to commit to spending more quality time expressing yourself with these talents. These gifts activate your ability to co-create your future.
If you find yourself saying, “I am not creative, I have no creative skills, I do nothing creative,” then it’s time for you to do a little self-discovery work. Here are some words to help you find your latent creative spirit; imaginative, original, inspired, inventive, resourceful, ingenious, innovative, productive, and of course, playful.
To explore, explain, and express your creative talents, start with thoughts of your past. Say to yourself, “I have been creative when I used my resourceful ideas to . . ., or I was creative when I came up with an original plan to . . .” Using this method will stimulate you to remember something that you may have not considered creative. If you are still challenged, ask a friend to brainstorm with you using these words.
You will benefit greatly by acknowledging your creative talents this year because 2015 is vibrating with the 8 energy of manifesting. The daily news is confirming this is happening; the global news is reporting that this year is showing huge, positive signs of growth, profits and success! Adding the creative 3 (March) to the 8 (2015) results in a Master Number of 11/2. This is significant for you to know. Master Numbers carry a much higher vibration to move you quickly to accomplish your vision with passion and purpose. Your creative abilities will get you in the flow of success. It’s a powerful time to acknowledge your creative gifts!
The best days to explore, explain, and express your creative talents and abilities are: March, 1, 3, 6, 9-12, 15, 17-21, 24, 26, 28, and 30
~ Wes Hamilton, Master Numerologist